Monday, 1 October 2007

How d'you like them apples?

Yesterday we went to Apple Day at Audley End House, not far from where we live. We set out with little idea of what an apple day actually was, and somewhat sceptical about the 'apple-themed activities'! Still, there was a lovely autumnal feel in the air, and Audley End House always provides a nice day out, so set out we did.

On arrival we stopped at the entrance gate to flash our English Heritage cards at the young lady on the desk. She printed off our receipts and then leant forward, with a vaguely conspiratorial smile, and said "Are you here for the Apple Day? Don't blame you - I would go too, if I could!" She looked so wistful and envious, I felt myself grinning and slightly rubbing my hands together, almost on the verge of licking my lips with anticipation for some forthcoming pleasure, of which I had only the very vaguest idea!

Our first port of call was the restaurant, where the apple theme was prevalent. I had parsnip and apple soup served with a big wedge of delicious bread (quite literally peppered with ...well, pepper!) and a slice of Applewood smoked cheese. The soup was beautiful and made me long to start up my soup-making again. I remember attempting a parsnip and apple one last year, but I can't recall the exact recipe, nor how successful it was. I love the flavours together and the overall taste was very seasonal, warming and comforting - definitely one for a cold, crisp autumn Sunday. We also ate apple pie (apparently very appley) and some apple fruit loaf.

From the restaurant I also bought a bottle of Appletree Hill fresh apple and rhubarb juice, made by Stoke Farm Orchards. It's one of the most delicious things I've ever tasted from a bottle - just the half-sweet, half-tangy flavours of apple and rhubarb complementing each other perfectly!

The rest of the day was a little beyond us, really. Apple experts were busy identifying specimens brought by visitors and classifying them all. There was a huge display of apples from around the UK, divided and labelled by type, class, location, date of discovery, etc. I'm not quite enough of an apple lover to appreciate this kind of dedication, personally! But I do love the committment to locally grown produce and I love the fact that people had travelled to the event from far and wide to discuss the humble apple!

It's just this sort of wonderful seasonal, locally-focused event Stansted Airport should promote more readily. Uttlesford is an amazingly rich area and there's shows, events, sites and projects like this one going on every weekend - far more interesting, far more 'English' than boring old London!

1 comment:

Rhysickle said...

"Apple experts"


I bet they eat lemon sorbet and gargle with soda water to cleanse the palette.

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