Tuesday 30 March 2010

Soupy water

A colleague recently came into the office with a huge container full of carrots. Apparently she had a big bagful at home and felt obliged to munch them before they went off!

I immediately suggested she made carrot and coriander soup: it was my first thought. Other people later suggested carrot cake or batons to dip in hoummus, but I stuck to soup. I'm a very soupy person.

And then I realised I go around saying I'm 'soupy' but haven't made my own soup for ages and have a fairly limited repertoire of recipes.

So ... answers on a postcard, please. Let me know your favourite soup recipe by adding a comment here. And I'll make some, and tell you how I got on!

1 comment:

Matt Rhodes said...

Okay so I was prompted to share the recipe for my Leek and Potato soup from a recent TwitPic: http://twitpic.com/1c65i9

The recipe is fairly simple and I'm afraid weights aren't that important, but here goes:

Sweat four leeks (chopped) and a few shallots with fresh thyme leaves, pepper and bay leaves for about half an hour over a very low heat.

Then add about 1.5kg of new potatoes (Exquisa give a really nutty taste)chopped into even sizes and cook for another 15 mins.

Add about 500ml of vegetable stock and turn up to a medium heat until the potatoes are cooked through. Add about another 500ml of water.

Remove the bay leaves and blend everything together until it is smooth but still a little lumpy. Add more water if needed and cook over a low heat for another ten minutes or so.

And that's it. It makes loads so you'll probably need to cool and freeze some...

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