Monday, 13 August 2007

In a pickle

There's a scene in Bridget Jones's Diary in which our heroine stares disconsolately out of the window, to the strains of Gabrielle's Out of Reach, and eats Branston Pickle straight from the jar with a spoon.

Now you can't tell me you haven't considered this! Surely to goodness everybody has been tempted to give it a try. It's amazing stuff! I find myself scrimping more and more on the cheese whenever I make a cheese and pickle sandwich, or judging the merits of a ploughman's lunch by the size of the pickle dollop.

I'm just one step away from eating it straight from the jar, I tell you!

NB: I had a peek at Wikipedia when I started writing this to see what they had to say about Branston Pickle and I was reminded of the Pickle Crisis of 2004. It coincided with the start of my Christmas food shopping that year and my pickles are always the first things I buy, so it hit me pretty hard. Floods, droughts, killer winds ... all pale into insignificance in my world compared with not being able to buy pickle!

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