I had my wisdom teeth removed a while back, so food was on my mind all the time. Before the operation I spent a lot of time wondering what I'd be able to eat afterwards and stocking my kitchen accordingly. Afterwards I spent plenty of time wondering if I'd eaten enough!
Contrary to popular belief, crunchy or hard things weren't too much of a problem and my remaining teeth were all working just fine. The main issue was not being able to open my mouth wide enough to fit in more than a very small morsel at a time. This meant that even soup was a challenge and I had to slurp it from the spoon through a tight-lipped grimace!
I think about food a lot at the best of times, but it's amazing how much it played on my mind when I was having to plan strategies for small, thin dinners.
On the downside for blog-writing, I didn't really visit restaurants or try out any new recipes during my 'post-op' period. It's just as well I plan to make up for it ...!